This year we changed the face of Riverfest by introducing some new events and removing the controversial Big air ramp. Due to low water across Ireland for all of April the event was in danger of having to be cancelled but thanks to the ESB we had plenty of water and the event kicked off fashionably late on Saturday afternoon.
First up were the Wild Water paddlers in there long boats, they ran off a smooth sprint time trial, and even some of the freestyle paddlers were spotted trying there hand in the Wave hoppers. Well done to all involved int eh race it was exciting to see another Kayak discipline taking advantage of the awesome curragower falls.
Next we ran the first ever Gower-X. The race course was simple, ferry around the top mark, paddle through the main wave get to the bank and race on foot to ring the bell. Simple yes but
The day finished up with the mass start Great Outdoors Rapid Race. All the competitors assembled in the top eddy and race through the wave to ring the bell. John O'Rourke, Sinead O' Donnell took top honour yet again int eh junior and ladies classes while Tim Trew powered in to take the strongly contested men's category.
After a short free surf on the wave the competitors made there way to the Polo event which was taking place outside Pier One in Sarsfield Locke. The improvised BBQ went down a treat with the hungry competitors. After the polo action it was drink o'clock and the Wicked Chicken was the venue followed by some break dance action in the 'Underground'.
Thanks to the moon the tide was not out until late on Sunday so the sleepy and in some cases hungover competitors began to reassemble a the Gower for 2 day of the action after midday. 3 events, an awesome wave and cash prizes made for a great few hours of entertainment.
First up was the Splashtac King and Queen of the wave, as always 2 great battles ensued with some big wipe outs and dirty tactics for the crowd to enjoy. In the end Piers Bucknell and Jackie Ferguson held out longest and were crowned King and Queen of Gower 2007.
After the big opening we got down to the main event, The Munster Dive and Canoe X-pression session. Each competitor had 2 chances to impress with their best moves, the judges were looking at the Effort, Risk and Style in each ride and the competitors did not disappoint. High risk points were awarded for a range of rides from no paddle action to McNasty attempts. Style points were given to those who showed a range of smooth skills to link moves and those who hung on tight and pushed their limits earned the effort points. In the end the winners were:
Mens Expert: Mickey Barry
Ladies Expert: Gill Crawley
Mens Sport: Brian McDonagh
Ladies Sport: Liz Cronin
Ladies Sport: Liz Cronin
Junior: Rory O'Reilly
Finally we assembled the teams for the first ever Syncro surf. This was a team surf event, each team was scored on Style, Synchronization and Originality. 18 teams competed in total and the
crowd was treated to a range of moves from paddle spins, to air guitar with he odd flat spin thrown in for fun. The winners in the Ladies event was team Jack and Gill who showed that practice and preparation is key to scoring high. Team UK took the men's category with some staus quo worthy air guitar followed by some auto pilot boat surfing (check the pic).

So that was that the competitors took full advantage of the release and enjoyed an hour of surf time while the judges crunched the numbers. After the prize giving it was power nap time for many, before hitting the Wicked Chicken and the Underground for more dance action to round off the weekend.
Finally we assembled the teams for the first ever Syncro surf. This was a team surf event, each team was scored on Style, Synchronization and Originality. 18 teams competed in total and the
So that was that the competitors took full advantage of the release and enjoyed an hour of surf time while the judges crunched the numbers. After the prize giving it was power nap time for many, before hitting the Wicked Chicken and the Underground for more dance action to round off the weekend.
Riverfest 2007 was great success and this is owed in no small part to a number of great people and enthusiastic businesses.
For all their help with the logistics of organising the event I would like to say a special thank you to all at ULKC. In particular to Seona, Lorraine, Erica, Niki, Emma, Tony, Jim and all the lads who moved kit,put up tents and generally helped out.
For their continued support of the event I would also like to thank the sponsors, Munster Dive and Canoe, Great Outdoors and Splashtac. Thanks are also due to Lucozade Hydro active who provided vital hydration for all of the competitors over the weekend.
For their continued support of the event I would also like to thank the sponsors, Munster Dive and Canoe, Great Outdoors and Splashtac. Thanks are also due to Lucozade Hydro active who provided vital hydration for all of the competitors over the weekend.
A very Special thank you is also due to the ESB who managed to come through with the water, without which the event would not have happened.